Clínica de Pele | Dermatologia & Estética|Axillary Hyperhidrosis: Dealing with Excessive Sweating

Axillary Hyperhidrosis: Dealing with Excessive Sweating

Botulinum toxin is widely regarded as one of the most effective non-surgical treatments for Axillary Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
Its action turns off the sweat glands, which stimulate the release of sweat to the armpits, effectively, quickly, and safely halting sweat production.

Dr. Szerman Explains:

At Clinica de Pele, we treat Axillary Hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin (Botox), a safe procedure that works directly on the source of the problem by blocking acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the sweat glands.
This reduces sweat production in the armpits, restoring our patients’ well-being and self-esteem.

It is a quick procedure that only takes a few minutes and is completely safe, causing no significant discomfort to the patient.
A new session of hyperhidrosis treatment should be performed every 10 months to achieve more expressive results and maintain sweat control.
valores tratamento de hiperidrose
Before & After

See illustrative before and after photos of the treatment for Axillar Hyperhidrosis and observe the difference

Quem realiza?
O tratamento é realizado pelo Dr. Szerman, médico graduado pela UFRJ, com mais de 20 anos de experiência, é referência nos tratamentos a Laser e também ministra cursos para médicos iniciantes.
How does it work?
Botulinum toxin inhibits acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that controls sweat glands. This means that it temporarily stops sweating in the armpits.
What are the benefits?
We only use the most advanced procedures and highest quality products. Botulinum toxin, a safe and effective technique, is carefully administered to our patients with minimal risk, ensuring exceptional results.
How much does it cost?
Take our free online quiz now to find out which procedure is best for you, as well as estimated costs, by clicking on the link below.

Find out how to treat Axillar Hyperhidrosis

Depoimentos de Pacientes

Check out what our patients have to say about the Axillar Hyperhidrosis treatment at Clínica de Pele

Listen to Carla’s testimonial (in Portuguese)

- B. Q -
- B. Q -
Excellent professionals! The treatments are painless and produce results after the first session! Excellent!
- V. S. -
- V. S. -
I am very pleased. Sweating under my armpits used to bother me a lot, especially during work meetings, but it's all gone now.
- F.P -
- F.P -
Professionals who will always go above and beyond for you. They provide excellent customer service and support. Congratulations!

See How the Treatment Works

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What is Axillary Hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that results in excessive sweating. It is most prevalent in the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis), hands, soles of the feet, head, and palms. It can also be generalized, meaning that it occurs in many areas of the body.

Because it targets the source of the problem, botulinum toxin is considered one of the most effective non-surgical treatments for Axillary Hyperhidrosis. It works by inhibiting the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which regulates sweat production. 
Therefore, by injecting botulinum toxin into the axillary region, sweat production is temporarily interrupted, eliminating the unpleasant sensation of excessive sweating in the area.
For more information about the treatment, contact us via WhatsApp.

We only treat Hyperhidrosis in the axillary region and never apply the toxin to the hands, feet, or head.

Patients typically tolerate the treatment well, and a local anaesthetic ointment is applied prior to the procedure to improve comfort.

Please contact us via WhatsAppointment for more information on the treatment.

The application of botulinum toxin does not affect the nervous system or sweat glands. Therefore, depending on the area of application, the nerves in the glands will reconnect after a certain period of time, and the nerve stimulus will resume, causing sweating to return. At this point, the treatment can be restarted, reversing hyperhidrosis once again.

The results are excellent, with a significant reduction in sweat and high patient satisfaction.

When the toxin is applied to the skin, patients often feel a sense of “protection,” which reduces the emotional trigger that causes excessive sweating.

As a result, many patients only need treatment every 10 months, or almost a year later for a new application.

There may be some minor redness or bruising, but this is uncommon. Normal activities can be resumed 6 hours after application.

This procedure does not require any special preparation.

The doctor performing the procedure will clean the area and apply a topical anesthetic before injecting the botulinum toxin.

If you have any further questions about the treatment, please contact us via WhatsApp.

Individuals who have a history of allergy to the bacteria used in the procedure should refrain from using this substance.

Additionally, it should not be applied to swollen or inflamed skin.

If you have any further questions about the treatment, please contact us via WhatsApp.

In order to determine the optimal procedure for your case, it is necessary to conduct preliminary research. Conducting research, comparing, and comprehending the distinctions between different types of treatments is the most effective method to guarantee a safe and successful outcome for the desired procedure.

Besides, it is crucial to understand the primary differences between the types and brands of botulinum toxin available on the market. Making the right choices is fundamental for safety and achieving the best treatment results.

For safe treatment, only board-certified medical professionals specializing in aesthetic medicine and/or members of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and/or Laser should be consulted.

Check out our FAQ page to learn everything there is to know about Hyperhidrosis treatment.

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