Clínica de Pele | Dermatologia & Estética|Glimpse into Peeling Treatments

Glimpse into Peeling Treatments

Peeling is a simple and effective way to treat various skin conditions such as acne, oily skin, blemishes, dark circles, and stretch marks.

This procedure not only makes the skin smoother but also promotes a superficial rejuvenation of the skin, which helps to soften scars and wrinkles.

As a result, the skin appears younger and healthier.
Peeling is a safe and effective technique that removes dead skin cells. This helps renew the skin cells by using chemical substances that work from the inside out. Additionally, this procedure stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The type of peeling used in each treatment varies based on the depth of the problem, skin characteristics, and the specific needs of the patient. Peeling is recommended for several skin problems such as acne, oily skin, open pores, and spots. It can help improve the quality, texture, and skin glow.

To get the best results with peeling, it is recommended to have at least five sessions. However, the number of sessions may vary depending on each case.
Before & After
See before and after Peeling Treatment photos and observe the evolution of the results
Who does it?
The treatment is administered by Dr. Szerman, a highly experienced doctor who graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). With over 20 years of experience, he is a renowned expert in laser treatments, and he even provides courses for beginner doctors.
How does it work?
Peeling is a process that removes some or all of the outer layer of skin in a controlled way using physical, chemical, or mechanical methods. This helps to get rid of surface skin problems and encourages new tissue growth. The end result is skin that is smoother, firmer, and more youthful.
What are the benefits?
According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, peeling has numerous skin benefits. Among these advantages are the ability to lighten spots, combat oily skin, acne, and wrinkles.

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What are the different types of peels?

Peels are classified according to their depth, which ranges from superficial to deep peels, as well as the material used in the procedure. In terms of content, the following are some of the most important:

Physical/Mechanical – Dermabrasion is a painless and minimally invasive procedure that uses physical methods to peel the skin. Diamond peeling, crystal peeling, and microdermabrasion are examples of techniques in this category.

Chemical – Skin peeling occurs in this type due to the use of chemical peels. These chemicals can have an effect on the skin’s surface as well as the middle and deeper layers. Glycolic, retinoic, hyaluronic, phenol, and salicylic acids are the most commonly used acids. Other peels, such as Melanesse and Cosmelan, are considered the gold standard for spot treatments and rejuvenation peels.

Laser Peels – Peels performed with laser devices. These devices stimulate cell renewal from the inside out, without peeling the skin.

There are various types of peels that address specific skin issues. Because each skin type is unique and has its own characteristics, such as oily or dry skin, it is best to consult a dermatologist. They can assist you in determining your skin type and recommending the best peeling treatment for your needs.

The price of a chemical peel varies according to the type of peel and the area being treated. Chemical peels can be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including spots, melasma, acne, wrinkles, and expression lines . To get the right treatment for your skin problem, it’s important to see a dermatologist before starting any treatment.

It’s worth noting that chemical peels are often used in combination with other treatments, such as CO2 laser therapy. As a result, it may be impossible to provide a cost estimate until it’s determined if additional treatments are necessary.

Peeling is often used for facial treatment, but it can also be done on other parts of the body. This includes the thighs, neck, and arms to reduce wrinkles, spots, and other signs of aging.
Each skin type reacts differently to treatment, and there is a specific number of sessions required for each problem. A dermatologist should be consulted to determine the appropriate number of peeling sessions. They can assess your skin and recommend the number of sessions necessary. On average, 10 sessions are recommended, spaced 15 days apart.
Peeling is a great way to treat acne, oily skin, open pores, blemishes, melasma, photoaging, wrinkles, scaring, and more . It can be combined with other treatments such as CO2 laser.
Except for crystal peeling, pregnant women should avoid peeling. Crystal peeling uses dermabrasion and is safe for pregnant women. Crystal peeling is a dermabrasion technique that is safe for pregnant women.
It’s normal for your skin to peel for a few days after the procedure, depending on the type of peeling and your individual characteristics. Your skin may also turn red, but it should improve quickly. This is a normal reaction.

To take care of your skin after the treatment, make sure to avoid too much sun exposure and always use sunscreen. Use moisturizer and avoid touching the treated area. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.  

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