Fractionated CO2: Discover how to rejuvenate your skin without surgery

CO2 Fracionado

Having younger, more radiant skin without having to undergo long recovery periods or the risks associated with surgery is what most people seek after a certain age. If this is also the case for you, then you need to know about Fractionated CO2 Laser.

This non-surgical procedure represents an aesthetic innovation that has been widely used to reduce blemishes and scars, as well as wrinkles and expression lines, improving texture and giving the face a more rejuvenated appearance. According to the SBD, it is one of the least invasive procedures capable of reshaping the skin, giving it a younger, healthier appearance.

Take the opportunity to check out this article in full and find out now how this procedure has helped thousands of people ensure a younger, more beautiful and healthier appearance without surgery.

What does fractional CO2 laser do to the skin?

ablative fractional co2 laser acts effectively on the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and expression lines, acne scars, blemishes and improving its texture.

To do this, the laser emits a beam of light that reaches the deeper layers of the skin, creating microzones of controlled heating on them. This process, in turn, helps to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, leading to firmer, smoother and more elastic skin.

The fractionated CO2 also removes damaged cells, leading to cell renewal. Thus, the skin is more even and revitalized with the help of this treatment. And best of all, all this without having to undergo risky surgery, using a quick, safe and painless procedure.

Who can have fractional CO2 laser treatment?

Fractionated CO2
Fractional CO2 laser photo

The Fractionated CO2 rejuvenation procedure is suitable for most people because it is a safe treatment with a quick recovery. However, before starting any aesthetic procedure it is always advisable to consult a dermatologist to assess your eligibility for the treatment in question.

As a general rule, the use of Fractionated CO2 is not recommended for people with black skin or who are prone to keloids. Similarly, pregnant women, those with vitiligo, lupus and other photosensitive diseases, as well as those with active herpes and other skin infections should also avoid this procedure.

How much does a fractionated CO2 session cost?

The cost of a fractionated CO2 session varies greatly. This is because several factors influence this definition, such as the type of problem to be treated, the quality of the laser, professional experience in the procedure, among others.

As a rule, the price of each session usually ranges from R$800 to R$2200. But in order to know precisely how much this procedure will cost in your case, the tip is to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Only with this professional’s initial analysis will it be possible to correctly define the cost of each session in your case.

Can people with fillers have fractional CO2?

This is a very common question asked by those looking for aesthetic procedures for rejuvenation. And the answer is yes, those who have had facial fillers can have fractional CO2 laser sessions. In many cases, it is even recommended to combine a few procedures to obtain better results.

However, you need to pay attention to the length of time between procedures. This is because as fractional CO2 emits heat waves, depending on the substance used in the filler, the effects of the waves can compromise rather than enhance the result of the filler as expected.

For this reason, you should inform your dermatologist of any fillers or substances injected into the treated area. This is important so that the professional can adjust the intensity, or even define the ideal period for applying the laser to the area to be treated.

YouTube video

Does fractional CO2 work for rejuvenation?

Fractional CO2 laser is undoubtedly a widely recognized and accepted alternative for skin rejuvenation. Below are some Before and After images of patients who have had CO2 treatment at the Rio de Janeiro Skin Clinic:

Remember that treatment results can vary according to each person’s individual response. But many patients report a significant improvement in the appearance of their skin, with a visible reduction in wrinkles, firmer and more toned skin, and a more even and radiant skin tone.

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